NBAD’s Fursati Offers Educational Session on Negotiation
The National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), the Number One Bank in the UAE, organized an educational session for women titled “The Confident Negotiator.”
NBAD’s Velvet offering, a Private Banking service exclusively for women, invited selected clients and others to the session. The session attracted the maximum number of allowed attendees and focused on the fundamentals, dynamics and skills of successful negotiation.
“The goal of Fursati is to enhance women’s ability as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, this is why NBAD launched this program and will continue to organize platforms to empower women,” said Mariah Khan, the Head of NBAD’s Velvet. “The Fursati program is an example of the unique initiatives NBAD designs to ensure development of communities.”
NBAD launched the Fursati (which means “my opportunity”) - Economic Empowerment Program in November 2012. It includes educational seminars for women and aligning NBAD products and services to meet the needs of women in business. NBAD’s Velvet and NBAD Academy designed and implemented Fursati, which includes customizing beneficial and suitable programs to equip women with essential skills in today’s challenging financial environment.
The Fursati launch was in collaboration with the Dubai Business Women’s Council (DBWC) and there are plans to expand to Abu Dhabi and Al Ain organizations in the future. The first program launched on 18th November was “The Venture Tool Box,” a foundation exercise/ course for business owners and managers who wanted to gain further understanding of some of the fundamental principles associated with owning and operating a start-up or established business.
“The Fursati is part of NBAD’s strategy of building relationships with clients, investment in our communities and promoting long-lasting, enduring interactions with people,” said Ms. Khan. “Erudite women and children are crucial to a nation’s economic vitality and we would like to further empower them with skills and entrepreneurial thought, which is an investment in our business and the future of our economy. By conducting such programs, NBAD remains in touch with the needs of its clients, and contributes in a tangible manner to their continuous professional development.”
Emirate: Abu Dhabi
Date: Feb 17, 2013